Welcome to my new blog! Let me explain what I'm doing here.
I used to have a weight loss blog. I said at the beginning that I wanted to lose fifty pounds in fifty weeks, which was pretty reasonable. But I went about it the wrong way. I focused solely on losing weight - on seeing the number on the scale go down, concerned only with how many pounds per week I was losing. So focused on numbers, I didn't lose any weight at all - in fact, at the end of last year I had actually gained weight. The approach, for me, just wasn't healthy. I follow many other weight loss blogs, and I started comparing my lack of weight loss numbers to other people's wonderful successes (with numbers listed in the sidebars of many blogs). My inability to keep up with people who started around when I did made me depressed, which just caused me to eat more. The narrow focus on numbers wasn't working for me.
I believe my weight problems to be a symptom of larger, emotional issues that stem from my lifelong tendency to sacrifice my own happiness to make other people happy or to make them like me. Now I know that the only opinion that matters is mine. I need to learn to make myself happy and to help myself become the person I want to be. I've graduated college, and I have the chance to begin fresh and make real changes. I'm here to discover the beauty of life as a healthy woman, and I want to share the things I learn with you, if you'd like to follow along for the ride.
Check out my Recipes & Nutrition and Exercise pages to find some of my favorite links to tasty meals, nutrition advice, and great workouts. Please leave me a comment on any post or page - I love hearing what you have to say!
Thanks for visiting The Act of Discovery. I hope you discover something new today! : )